The rogito

Monday 26 July came around and we headed in to Lucca to complete the house purchase at the offices of the notary. So different from how things are done in the UK. Present were: the vendors (Domenico and Katerina Mei), the buyers (us), the estate agent (Martin Tschiderer), the geometra (Claudio Fulgeri), the notary (Ada Morelli), the notary’s husband (Pierandrea Losito – present because he was the notary at the compromesso) and the translator (Federica Vezzani). The contract was read out loud in both Italian and English and changes were made to it then and there. We then waited while they updated the contract in both languages and printed out the final version which most of those present then had to sign. A couple of witnesses popped in at the last minute and added their signatures (having witnessed nothing really). The whole thing took about an hour and 45 minutes.

After the rogito we went out in Lucca for a drink, a short walk and a meal with a bottle of fizz to celebrate.

Our return to our new home as owners.