Internet and WiFi

Our internet connection is via a radio link to an antenna in Castelvecchio across the valley. There is a small antenna connected to the drainpipe at the front of the house and the connection comes into the house in the large living room on the second floor where you will find the router.

To work, it needs this little thing to be plugged in and showing a white light.

The router light should also be solid blue. If in doubt, switch off and on again.

There are some WiFi extenders like this dotted around to give better coverage in our home of solid walls. They should all show a green light.

You can log into the mesh created by these extenders using this QR code:

Alternatively, the details are:
Password: stantonisbest1
Security: WPA2 PSK

For problems with the internet, call or text Nicola Caforio from TRC (Toscana Radio Comunicazioni) on +39 335 744 9230. Alternatively, you can email them at

If you need to log in to the router’s Wi-Fi, use the QR code below.

Alternatively, the details are:
Password: stantonisbest1
Security: WPA2 PSK