Topographical survey

Gino and Andrea came to make a topograpical survey of our property from the road right up to the gora at the top of the garden. They had a GPS mast which they moved from point to point recording position and height on a hand held device which received the information direct from the mast.

Thankfully the grass was dry today as it was knee high. We need a sit on mower!

They promised to send the CILA and the other permission documentation next week and I told them I wanted to see all the plans they were creating and the various inspection reports. There should be a whole bunch of stuff to go through.

The plan is to sign the CILA etc and get them submitted. Once that’s done we should be able to get some work kicked off providing they can find contrators with availability. Minimum we’re after is a working second floor bathroom by the time we come back in August.