Departure for Colle and from Broughton Gardens

The sale of our family home in London and purchase of a new flat needed to be resolved before we travelled out to Colle di Compito. The plan was to stay in Italy while work on the new flat was taking place.

We had made arrangements with friends to visit and we needed to make a Channel crossing on Sunday 14 August. We booked Rogers Removals to clear our belongings and furniture into storage for the Friday and bit our nails over the exchange of contracts. If we couldn’t exchange in time, we would have to cancel the removals and our planned trip. It was really nerve wracking, but we finally exchanged on the Wednesday so everything was on. With completion at the end of August, we’d be leaving the house early and the work on the new flat could only start in September.

On the Friday, the removals guys came and chaos ensued. Things started gently enough, but it soon became apparent that more people were needed for packing and removals. Gradually others joined as they finished their other jobs and by the end it was mayhem with a large number of people trying to get everything done as quickly as possible so they could start their weekend. Once the house was clear, we jumped in the car (full of as much stuff that was destined for Italy as we could fit in) and headed off to Canterbury to spend a couple of nights before hitting the Channel Tunnel. It was all so hectic that there was no proper time to feel sad or say goodbye to the old place. We brought up our family there (Fenella grew up there herself) and we will have have many happy memories.