Geometra meeting

We went to a meeting at Gino’s office to discuss the updates to the computo metrico and a bunch of solution designs they had finally managed to put together.

This was our last meeting with Gino before returning to London to move into our new home there.

A couple of days before this meeting, Gino had sent the computo metrico to four builders including Michele. They would now need the updated version including the changes for the false wall.

Gino indicated that work could start in February or March next year and we told him that we would return as soon as the Schengen rules permitted (mid February) to start packing the house up ready for an early March start. We’re used to being told something could rather than will happen and then being disappointed. Fingers crossed this time!

During the meeting, we felt like we needed to make it clear that Gino is our geometra (not Andrea). Martin might have done that a bit brutally, but we think the message probably got through. If we pick Michele as our builder, it would not go well if he had to deal with Andrea on a regular basis and there are those red flags raised about Andrea too. From our point of view, Andrea seems more enthusiastic than considered which is of some concern. We would not be happy for Gino to delegate our project to Andrea.

We never saw Andrea again