Geologo inspection

This morning, Gino arived with the geologo to inspect the garden.

We went up to the gora and cosidered whether there is a risk of flooding that should be mitigated by the construction of a reinforcing wall. In the opinion of the geologo, the risk exists but is small and a retaining wall would be very expensive. He explained that the point of greatest risk is where the stream turns the corner. At this point there is an existing wall (probably a hundred years old) so we should be fine. In his opinion, the gora is so far above the house that water overflowing the banks should not be an issue (as there is plenty of land or it to soak away into). In any case, the lay of the land means any more substantial flooding (e.g. bursting the bank) would result in water flowing down the gulley betwen our house and Francesco’s (probably impacting our neighbour more than us).

He suggested we go up to the gora on a rainy day and take pictures to show the level of the water when it’s streaming down the hillside. He was surprised at the quantity of water flowing in the stream and thought it must have a water source such as a spring. I suggested that it might be water diverted from the main stream flowing down the valley (i.e. a small aqueduct for irrigation). He thought that was possible. I’ll have to ask a neighbour to find out.

The geologo would be happy for Andrea to straighten the existing concrete posts or even to lift them and replace them with chestnut poles. He does not think that would destabilise the banks.

We spent some time up by the old pool considering the options for the replacement pool. He suggested that the best option would be to dig out the terrace as the ground below would be more stable than the surface of the lower terrace where the old pool is located. We felt that this would leave insufficient room for paving to accomodate sun loungers so we kind of settled on excavating 3 meters leaving the pool partly in ground and partly above ground. We could pave the remainder of the terrace and continue round the pool with a wooden deck. We made it clear to Gino that we would prefer steps internal to the pool rather than a ladder (1.5m wide in the corner).

There were some discussions around the 100 sqm limit on impermeable surfaces again as we showed them where we want to terrace outside the back of the house. This limit would apply to new paving only not to paving that is already in place and condonato. More paving is possible provided irregation pipes are dug in under it.

Gino will return on Tuesday or Wednesday next week to take measurements for the pool. He seems to be quite focussed on our job at the moment and realises the importance of making decisions while we are still here.