Contracts signed

Today, we signed two contracts appointing Gino as our geometra for the house and pool. Not cheap – payments in three tranches.

Before signing, we went through a bit of a clarification process as the contracts looked pretty meaningless to us. The following scope was agreed by us and Gino separately to the signed contracts.

Covered activities are:

  • All the necessary Investigations
  • All the DWG digital drawing up plans
  • Applying for permissions
  • All the detailed projects if needed
  • A full economic evaluation of the contractor’s quotes
  • A supervision of the contractor’s work
  • A full quality of work
  • A full verification of the regulations involved in the works
  • A periodic reporting on progress and blockages of the yard
  • A full Up-to-date records with the Municipality of Capannori regarding the property
  • Assistance in applying for the bonuses which will include the collaboration of 2 more professionals which are NOT included in the agreed quotation
  • A sign-off sheet to be provided at the end of the works

Works included in the above activities:

  • The renewal and integration of the electrical system(rewiring, additional sockets, relocation of fuse boards) including work necessary for the construction in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with current regulations
  • The renewal and integration of the heating and cooling including work necessary for the construction in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with current regulations
  • The complete replacement of all windows to the front and side with new double/triple glazed windows including mosquito screens including work necessary for the construction in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with current regulations 
  • The addition of new windows in the two rear openings from the large room on the second floor.
  • The replacement of existing shutters with new ones and installation of shutters on all the other windows to front and side (including change of colour) if approved from the PA
  • The strengthening of the floor of the large second floor room (the living room) and laying a new floor in wood.
  • In collaboration with the structural engineer, improving the solution to strengthen the roof of the living room.
  • All the internal/external renovation (Replastering and decorating of the living room, the opening the new door from the kitchen to the covered seating area, replacing the existing back door with a window, replacement/refurbishment of the existing kitchen on the first floor, the removal of the kitchen “grill” and wall restoration, the layout of a basic kitchen to be placed on the second floor, the refurbishment of the second floor bathroom)
  • The creation of a new first floor bathroom where the study is now – including replacing the existing partition wall (including the removal of the piano while the wall is down ).
  • The conversion of the existing first floor bathroom into a laundry.
  • The enlargement of the ground floor bathroom including digging the floor down as discussed.
  • The realization of a new semi in-ground swimming pool as replacement of the existing one
  • The paving and decking around the pool according to the design specifications
  • The paving the area at the rear of the house according to the design specifications 

Works that will not be carried out immediately but which will be included in the permits (the authorization of which is valid for 5 years for the works relating to the permits relating to the landscape regulation and 3 years for the CILA , SCIA and Preliminary Act of Consent authorizations)

  • Repair/replace the rendering at the rear of the house and full repaint (in compliance with the specifications that will be indicated by the landscaping commission)
  • The removal of the roofing above the external stairs at the rear of the house
  • The renovation of the stone work at the front and side of the house 
  • The replacement of the internal doors 

Works not included in any of the permits but which will still be supervised so that they are carried out in a workmanlike manner. 

  • Creation of an entrance vestibule by the front door. 
  • Rebuilding the more modern portion of the rabbit/hen house.
  • Metal grille to cover the drainage channel at the front of the house
  • The paving and decking around the pool 
  • The paving the area at the rear of the house

Works/fees not included

  • Identifying contactors
  • Managing contactor work
  • Applying for the reclassification of the “attics” as habitable rooms
  • Making a room out of the “hay loft”


regarding the identification of the contractors:  the identification of the companies that will carry out the works cannot be the responsibility of the designers as the current situation of construction workers in Italy does not allow us to safely indicate a company for the execution of the same. Therefore we will be actively involved in the search for personnel and companies suitable for the purpose but without this being able to associate the companies with our professional activity. 

regarding the managing of the contractors works: for the same reasons written above, we cannot and will not be able to have direct control over the times and methods of processing, which represent the exclusive task of the companies themselves. As project manager we will be able to put pressure, even of a legal nature, on the executing companies, in order to respect the project schedule.

And again as project manager we’ll be constantly evaluate the works to be done properly, but without having direct control of the workers of the company itself. For this task there’s one specific figure , provided by the contractor, which is basically constantly in the yard.