Geometra delays – again

We had a meeting with Gino booked for this afternoon to discuss the results of the inspections, applying for the permissions and getting some work booked in. At about lunchtime, his sidekick Andrea got in touch by WhatsApp to say they didn’t need a meeting as the termotechnico would do the “structural verification” and they could just get on with the CILA (notification of works to be carried out that do not need at full and formal permission).

I made it clear that we needed a meeting and that we were expecting it to be this afternoon as arranged. In particular, we wanted to discuss these points:

  1. What the structural verification consists of and when it will take place.
  2. When the geologo will come for that inspection. We have specific questions regarding the gora.
  3. What work can start without any permission. e.g. renovation of the second floor bathroom.
  4. What works will be included in the CILA and how long it takes to get approved.
  5. What works will be included in the second stage permission and how long that takes to get approved.
  6. What recommendations the termotechnico has made.
  7. We would also like to consider adding a small internal vestibule at the front entrance. Does this need to be included in the CILA?

With a lot of tooing and froing by WhatsApp we rearranged the meeting to tke place this Thursday at their office and that the termotechnico and the geologo would both be present.

We also got clarification that all internal works including the replacement of windows can be covered by the CILA and that work can start immediately following submission (provided we can find contractors with availability of course).

The creation of the new kitchen door and modification of the existing one to a window will have to go through the full permissions process. Incredibly, so will the replacement of the shutters as we want to change the colour. It will take 3 to 6 months to get the approval.

For the bathrooms which are one of our most pressing issues, we can go ahead and choose the fixtures and fittings that we want. Gino and Andrea will need to source a builder/plumber to do the installations.

We established that we wanted to see the CILA before it is submitted to be sure it includes everything we have in mind. That is apparently the procedure and we’ll have to sign it and authorise them to make the submission.

So the plan is to get armed with our choice of bathroom fixtures and fittings before the meeting on Thursday. So we have a couple of showrooms to visit in the next day or so.