Disturbing news

Carole got in touch as Michele had spoken to her about some concerns he had about our geometra. The suggestion was that he overcharges foreign clients, is incompetent and takes a cut from the contractors (so they need to charge a higher price). He felt he would not get the work as he was not prepared to pay the “fee” and that we should change geometra ASAP.

A fair bit of to and fro ensued and we came to the conclusion that the bad things Michele had heard related to Andrea who showed him around and not to Gino. We assured Michele that he should quote (with no fee) and we would decide. Also that we expected to pay our contractors direct (not through our geometra). We want Michele to have a fair shot at getting the job as we like him and his work.

Still, we decided that we need to be a little cautious over the quotes we receive.