Geometra meeting

We went to Gino’s office in Capannori to meet with him, Andrea, the geologo and the technico. We discussed our priorities, concerns with the gora, swimming pool options (above ground, in ground, half and half) and applying for permissions (CILA and full permissions).

Apparently, there is a hard limit of 100 square metres for any addition of impermeable surfaces in the garden. A 10m x 5m pool will account for half of that so there are limited options for further paving around the pool and in the rest of the garden. We were told that there are some options for using permeable surfaces and/or adding drainage to compensate.

Andrea is going on a trip to Poland and will start work on the permissions when he returns next week.

We booked in an appointment for the morning of Thursday 21 April for the geologo to inspect the gora, the swimming pool location and the rest of the garden.

It feels like we are getting some traction now.