Progress (at last)

Finally, Gino came to start the inspections. He brought with him a junior geometra and his son who seems to work for him and has some English. He also brought an electricista (electrician) along, but no termotechnico (heating engineer) or geologo (geologist). While Gino’s junior got on with taking measurements of all the rooms, we reiterated what our priorities were.

We also discussed our electical problems with the electricista. He agreed that the major cause of our problems was likely to be the old washing machine (for which we had already ordered a replacement). He also agreed that raising the power rating of the house would help reduce the tripping. We gave him a copy of our map of existing and new sockets and indicated that we wanted all wiring to be buried in the walls (as often people just add ugly trunking attached to the walls). He conducted his assessment of the existing wiring and kindly reconnected the power to our cameras.

Gino left with the electricista and told us the termotechnico would come the next day. He left his junior and son behind to complete tbe measurements.

The measurements the geometra took were pretty impressive. Dimensions of every room (length, width, diagonals, height) and the precise location and sizes of doors and windows. Everything was also photographed.