Progress (or lack thereof)

It’s been very frustrating so far this year dealing with Gino. I’ve been enquiring regularly about the progress with arranging the various inspections. Each time he indicates that it is all in hand and will be done in the next few days.

Now that he’s finally worked out that our arrival is imminent, he has at last attended at our house only to find that Paola has lost our spare keys. Does he let me know? Get real!

At 8pm last night, I received a WhatsApp message from a very stressed and embarrassed Paola informing me that she has misplaced our keys and cannot find them anywhere. I told her not to worry and that we would be out soon. Paola is obviously mortified and sent a succession of very apologetic messages. I eventually managed to put her mind at rest. I’m really hoping she’s still prepared to hold spares for us in the future.

So I contacted Gino this morning who agreed to reschedule as soon as we are out. Fingers crossed. We are dead keen to get going on some of the jobs that are not dependent on permissions (wiring, bathrooms, etc).