Pool quote agreed

Yesterday we received the latest quotes from Michele and today we agreed to proceed with him on our swimming project. Michele confirmed a start date of mid-April to early May and indicated he may be able to start up to a month earlier.

Some details we clarified and/or changed

Addition of a hand rail like the one shown in the position marked in green. The fixings have to be outside the pool as the salt water will corrode any fixing in the water.

Addition of a simple shower in the position marked in red.

A pipe to drain the pool with an underground tank for dechlorination will be created as marked up in blue.

Addition of drainage channels in the positions shown in red. One to prevent water from the pool from washing away the side of the terrace below. The other to stop run-off from the terrace above flowing into the pool with it’s accopmanying earth, dust and leaves.

A trench will be needed to lay a new electric cable from the main supply in the house to the pool. Thankfully, the cost of the cabling and wiring up the pool is already part of the work we have have contracted the electrician to do.

A short trench from the pool to the gazebo so that we can have power and light there for Jesse’s bar.