Pool quote received

Today, we received a first cut of the quote from Michele. Gino needs to verify that it meets the partameters of the design we have permission for and there are some omissions that need to be included (hand rail, shower).

The quote actually comprises quotes from three separate companies: Michele’s, the excavator and the pool supplies company.

Michele has opted to mix his own concrete rather than get a delivery. I think there are a couple of reasons for this as our drive is not wide enough to accomodate a cement mixer:

  1. The distance from the road to the pool location.
  2. The road would have to be closed for the duration of the delivery (requiring permission from the comune),

The good news is that the total compares favourably to the quote we already have from Klodian.

Swimming pool – change of horses

Following our disagreements with Klodian about the washing of the facades, our confidence in his honesty and fairness was dented enough for us to decide that we wanted to use a different contractor for the swimming pool. We also had concerns about his attention to detail and quality of finishing.

Today, we met with Michele Gigli and Gino to discuss our pool project and to find out when Michele would be available to do the work. Michele was recommended to us by David and Carol and created their swimming pool. He did the work on our second floor bathroom to a good standard.

We expected we’d have to wait till next year as Michele is always busy. He suggested he could start mid-April or at the start of May and that the job would take about 2 months. That gives us a pool by June(ish) which seems reasonable.

We agreed that he will return with the guy he wanted to use for the excavations and someone from his preferred swimming pool supplies company. Once he has their input, he’ll put together a quote.

It seems that you can do swimming pool work in one of two ways:

  1. Engage a swimming pool company who will use the builder of their choice
  2. Engage a builder who will use a swimming pool company of their choice

We are happy to go with option 2 and to give the work to Michele provided his quote isn’t ridiculously high. We have the quote from Klodian to compare with as a sanity check. One big plus for us is that we will build on our relationship with a builder who lives in our village.

August visit progress pictures



Rear of the house

Front of the house

Some disagreements / discussions over washing the facade

We returned from a day out with Jesse and Tess to find that the scaffolding had been removed at the front. When we enquired about the washing, Klodian insisted that it had been done. This was blatantly untrue.

This meeting was to test washing with a dilute acid to better reveal the stones and to bring out the colour of the brickwork.

A bit of a drain issue

The blockage was cleared from inside as the most useful drain cover was hidden by debris from the facade renovation.

Some AC teething troubles
