
6 January: L’Epiphania / La Befana

Epiphany is a public holiday in Italy. Italian children hang out stockings on the night of 5 January and leave out refreshments for La Befana (the Christmas witch). On 6 January, La Befana can be seen visiting many town squares.

Mid January: Palio di Buti

Parade and horse race in Buti (9km from Colle di Compito).

Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday): Viareggio Carnival

During the 15 days leading up to Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday) there are 5 parades. This is one of the best known carnivals in Italy and attracts more than half a million visitors. In 2021 it was postponed to September and October due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Easter Sunday: The Explosion of the Cart

This celebration of Easter Sunday in Florence involves the transportation of a cart loaded with fireworks to the cathedral where it is ignited by a dove shaped rocket fired from the altar.

12 March: Festa di Santa Fina in San Gimignano

Ceremony and fair for the patron saint of San Gimignano.

Late March: Chocomoments in Lucca

3 day handmade chocolate festival with cooking, lessons, tastings and pairings. In 2021 this was moved to September due to COVID-19 restrictions.

March / April: Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia

Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia (Ancient Camellias of Lucca) show in Pieve di Compito and Sant’Andrea di Compito. Visit the gardens of Villa Borrini, Villa Giovannetti, Villa Torregrossa and Villa Orsi during the camelia blooming season.

Late April: Lucca Classica Music Festival

First Sunday of May: Micci Palio

A donkey race between the 8 districts of Querceta di Seravezza near Pietrasanta.

Early May: Lucca Film Festival & Europa Cinema

16 and 17 June: Luminara and Palio di San Ranieri

Lights and fireworks in Pisa in the evening of June 16th followed by a rowing race on the Arno on 17th.

24 June: Festa di San Giovanni in Florence

Festival of St John, the patron saint of Florence. Playoffs and final of the Calcio Storico, a football / rugby match in historical costume. Fireworks in the everning (maybe good to see from Fiesole).

June: Giostra del Saracino (Giostra di San Donato)

Medieval jousting reenactment in Arezzo (150km).

Early July: Palio di Siena (Palio della Madonna di Provenzano)

Famous horse race in Siena (120km) takes palce over 4 days culminating in the race which takes place in the piazza del Campo.

Mid July: I giorni di San Paolino in Lucca

Four days of events to commemorate a miracle attributed to San Paolino. On 12 July 1664, cannons on the wall near Porta San Donato were fired to honour San Paolino, but were misdirected into the crowd of onlookers. Nobody was hurt and this miracle is attributed to San Paolino. Celebrations include a procession, firing of the cannon and a crossbow competition (Palio della Balestra).

Mid July: Pistoia Blues Festival

Late July: Festa dell’ Unicorno

Big fantasy event in Vinci (as in Leonardo da) near Florence.

Early August: Barga fish and chips festival

Barga is twinned with 4 Scottish towns and has run this festival for more than 40 years. Fish and chips with live music over a 2 week period.

15 August: Ferragosto

National holiday ostensibly to celebrate the Assumption of Mary. For many it’s simply a massive celebration of the summer. The roads are busy with most traffic heading to the beach.

End of August: Il Castello Rivive in Nozzano Castello (just west of Lucca)

“The castle comes alive” with medieval reenattments, etc.

August and September: Biennial Cartesia

Paper is a major industry in the region. Every two years Lucca hosts Cartesia with paper art works on display in the squares and on the walls.

First Sunday of September: Giostra del Saracino (Giostra della Madonna del Conforto)

Medieval jousting reenactment in Arezzo (150km).

8 September: Diotto in Scarperia (north of Florence)

Renaissance fair, reenactments and contests in Scarperia (the city of knives).

13 September: Luminara di Santa Croce

A nighttime candle lit procession of the Volto Santo (a wooden cross) from the basilica of San Frediano to the cathedral of San Martino.

Mid September: Palio di Siena (Palio della Assunta)

Famous horse race in Siena (120km) takes palce over 4 days culminating in the race which takes place in the piazza del Campo.

Mid October: Festa Pic in Camaiore

Celebration of the chilli pepper.

Late October (All Saint’s Day): Lucca Comics & Games

The largest comics festival in Europe, and the second biggest in the world after the Comiket. Lots of people in costume. Hectic inside the walls, lots of the people in costume head to the walls to be seen better.

31 October: Halloween Celebration

A halloween event at Borgo a Mozzano (Devil’s Bridge) with fireworks and many people in costume.

Early December: Barga in Cioccolato

Two day chocolate festival.

24 December: Natalecci in Gorfigliano

Traditional setting alight of huge bonfires on Christmas Eve.

26 December: Living Nativity in Ruota

Shuttle bus from the Frantoio and the church in Colle di Compito.

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