Exterior work

We think much of this work may be eligible for the Bonus Facciate (facades bonus) which has been extended to the end of 2022. This allows reclaim of 90% of the costs of renovating the exterior facades of buildings, but only where this is visible from the public street.
Note: The rear of the house is not visible from the road behind and work to it is, therefore, not covered by the facades bonus.

  • Remove the magnolia from the front of the house as it blocks the light and the views.
  • Exterior walls:
    • Remove concrete slapped on and repair / repoint the stone walls.
    • While we would prefer to retain the stone surface for all elevations, we are open to rendering the rear of the house if it makes practical and financial sense.
    • There’s some ugly stuff on the rear elevation – cables, pipes, miserable looking canopy above the ice house entrance. These need removing, hiding or tidying up.
    • We think these two houses in our village have been done nicely:
  • Tiles: Clean the tiles on the hay loft exterior.
  • Windows:
  • Replace front and side windows with new double (or tripple) glazed wood windows in keeping with house.
    • To the rear, repair/replace depending on condition.
    • New mosquito screens.
    • Many of the window surrounds are in poor condition.
  • Shutters:
    • Repaint green where sensible otherwise replace all shutters to front and side.
    • Replace roller shutters (all now thrown out) with the louvred variety.
  • Doors: Sand, repair, prime and paint green all doors at the front.
  • Boundary with street:
    • Cars park on the grass at the front of our house and dogs shit there.
    • We are thinking of constructing of a low wall across the front boundary (in stone matching the colour of the house) with a railing above – or a fence.
    • A wide gate in front of the garage and human size gates in front of the front door and where the path ends at the stable.
    • Some local boundary walls of the approximate style we are thinking of:
  • Driveway access:
    • We would like to replace the existing stone wall to either side of the gate so that it matches the style of the new boundary wall across the front of the house.
    • Install new gates.

See also