Swimming pool

Replacement for the existing wreck of a pool with a slightly larger one in the same location. The existing pool is an above ground pool measuring 7m x 4.5m. It is located on one of the garden terraces and abuts the terrace above allowing access to the pool without having to climb up and over the edge.

This is what it looked like in the past (from marketing pictures):

This is what it looked like when we viewed the house:

Following discussions with a local pool company we think a 10.5m x 4.6m pool of a similar construction is feasible on that terrace. We want to pave the terrace above which should provide plenty of room for loungers, a shower etc. In order to make it feel more like an in ground pool, we want to add decking across the the two widths. Ideally, we would deck along the length too, but we are advised the terrace will not support this. Instead, we plan to conceal the pool panels for that length with wooden cladding. We think the housing for the filter etc can be accomodated under one of the decks.

See also