Documents received

Gino sent through:

  • The updated computo metrico
  • The plans for the GPL heating solution
  • A quote for plumbing, heating and cooling

As we were now in London gearing up for our move into our new flat, we told him we would not respond straight away.

In fact, we didn’t get back to him until 2 January when we confirmed the content of the computo metrico and requested a Zoom meeting to discuss the quote. I also requested a full set of quotes from builders, electricians and plumbers in advance of that meeting so that we could have a complete picture (apart from the pool).

Geometra meeting

We went to a meeting at Gino’s office to discuss the updates to the computo metrico and a bunch of solution designs they had finally managed to put together.

This was our last meeting with Gino before returning to London to move into our new home there.

A couple of days before this meeting, Gino had sent the computo metrico to four builders including Michele. They would now need the updated version including the changes for the false wall.

Gino indicated that work could start in February or March next year and we told him that we would return as soon as the Schengen rules permitted (mid February) to start packing the house up ready for an early March start. We’re used to being told something could rather than will happen and then being disappointed. Fingers crossed this time!

During the meeting, we felt like we needed to make it clear that Gino is our geometra (not Andrea). Martin might have done that a bit brutally, but we think the message probably got through. If we pick Michele as our builder, it would not go well if he had to deal with Andrea on a regular basis and there are those red flags raised about Andrea too. From our point of view, Andrea seems more enthusiastic than considered which is of some concern. We would not be happy for Gino to delegate our project to Andrea.

We never saw Andrea again

Geometra meeting

We asked for a meeting as everything seemed to have gone quiet since the contractors came to visit. We had also received notification that the comune wanted a totally in-ground pool so as not to spoil the look of the hill. This seemed crazy to us as the existing pool is not visible from the street. We had also received a quote from an electrician that seemed way off the mark (e.g. TV points in every room, an intercom system) .

Gino said he’d bring one of the contractors that he had recently sent the computo metrico to.

We also sent this agenda in advance to focus everyone’s attention.

Meeting with the contractors

We started off with the building contractor, electrician and plumber going through the planned works and giving proper consideration as to how that should be done (finally). As there would be a fair bit of electric trunking and central heating piping to get around the house, a false wall across the front of the first and second floor was proposed so that substantial tracks in the fabric of the walls could be avoided. This seemed like a sensible approach to us.

As a result, Gino would need to send out an updated computo metrico to the four contractors.

Meeting with Gino and his guys

Once the contractors had left, we addressed the topics in our agenda. The main points to come out were:

  • A new proposal for the pool would need to be submitted. We suggested keeping it in the same position, but building the terrace out so that it extended in front of the proposed visible portion of pool wall. Our main reason for wanting to take this approach is not to lose any of the paved area (so that it would continue to be large enough for sun loungers. They seemed to think this was a reasonable approach.
  • Once we started digging into the quotes from the electrician, it turned out they were made without reference to our requirements and was simply an example quote for a house of the appoximate size of ours. Pretty disrurbing really.

We arranged a follow up meeting for 7 November.


After the meeting, Martin had a discussion about the “example quotes” with Riccardo and as a result we sent the following to Gino on the following Monday:

I have to say that we found the meeting last week very unsettling. In particular, the fact that the quotes we were sent for the electrical installation and the photovoltaic solution were just off the shelf examples was worrying for us. 

Our friend tells us that to get accurate quotes we need technical drawings with the location and specification of each element and the routes of the pipes and cables. From that will follow accurate technico computo so we can get reliable quotes.

We have yet to see the technical details / drawings of

  • the photovoltaic project
  • the heating project
  • the cooling project
  • the electrical project
  • the strengthening of the floor of the living room on the second floor
  • the opening of the new door in the kitchen

We have seen a plan of the proposed locations for the photovoltaic cells for the permission, but no details of the analysis of how many panels are required and how much storage.

Similarly, we have seen a diagram of an LPG tank, but no assessment of the boiler or the number, size and location of radiators that we require.

The same applies to the air conditioning. We have yet to see the technical assessment of the size and quantity of the units to adequately cool the rooms.

Assuming all these assessments exist, please send them through to us. We need to see them to be reassured that any future quotes relate to our requirements. If they do not exist, please take all steps necessary to ensure that they and the relevant technical drawings are available and sent to us before our meeting on 7th November.

Finally, please confirm the time and location of that meeting and let us know what dates and times this week you will be visiting with the electrician, plumber, etc.

The intention was to light a fire under Gino.

Disturbing news

Carole got in touch as Michele had spoken to her about some concerns he had about our geometra. The suggestion was that he overcharges foreign clients, is incompetent and takes a cut from the contractors (so they need to charge a higher price). He felt he would not get the work as he was not prepared to pay the “fee” and that we should change geometra ASAP.

A fair bit of to and fro ensued and we came to the conclusion that the bad things Michele had heard related to Andrea who showed him around and not to Gino. We assured Michele that he should quote (with no fee) and we would decide. Also that we expected to pay our contractors direct (not through our geometra). We want Michele to have a fair shot at getting the job as we like him and his work.

Still, we decided that we need to be a little cautious over the quotes we receive.

Site visit with contractors

Andrea came to the house with a potential contractor and we asked Michele Gigli (working on our 2nd floor bathroom) to also attend. There was no documentation to speak of and the visit seemed to just consist of Andrea walking them through the house and giving a verbal overview of the proposed works.

Andrea seemed quite impressed by Michele’s work in progress (as are we).

Geometra meeting

Prior to this meeting, Gino sent through an updated pool solution with more paving and a blue liner.

At the meeting, we told Gino that we had discussed the colour of the swimming pool liner with our friends (David and Carol) and that they had explained to us that their pool had a beige one and that the water made it look a pale blue. As we liked the look of their pool, we told Gino we were happy to revert to the beige liner they had originally proposed.

We also saw the heating and cooling solution from Stefano (technico) for the first time.

We discussed getting in quotes from builders now that our requirements were becoming clear.

Documents submitted

Gino sent through documents submitted to the comune for the internal works and pool permissions.

We got a bit of a shock as the proposed pool solution (which we had not seen prior to submission) had a beige liner and the mock up pictures made the pool look like a concrete tank. There was also insufficient paving for any sun loungers. We immediately told him we were not happy and wanted changes made.

Documents reveived

Today, Gino sent through:

  • Geologist’s report for the pool
  • Plan showing proposed photovoltaic panel locations on the roof and in the garden
  • Details of the LPG tank to be buried in the garden
  • Powers of attorney to sign for the permission submissions

Contracts signed

Today, we signed two contracts appointing Gino as our geometra for the house and pool. Not cheap – payments in three tranches.

Before signing, we went through a bit of a clarification process as the contracts looked pretty meaningless to us. The following scope was agreed by us and Gino separately to the signed contracts.

Covered activities are:

  • All the necessary Investigations
  • All the DWG digital drawing up plans
  • Applying for permissions
  • All the detailed projects if needed
  • A full economic evaluation of the contractor’s quotes
  • A supervision of the contractor’s work
  • A full quality of work
  • A full verification of the regulations involved in the works
  • A periodic reporting on progress and blockages of the yard
  • A full Up-to-date records with the Municipality of Capannori regarding the property
  • Assistance in applying for the bonuses which will include the collaboration of 2 more professionals which are NOT included in the agreed quotation
  • A sign-off sheet to be provided at the end of the works

Works included in the above activities:

  • The renewal and integration of the electrical system(rewiring, additional sockets, relocation of fuse boards) including work necessary for the construction in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with current regulations
  • The renewal and integration of the heating and cooling including work necessary for the construction in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with current regulations
  • The complete replacement of all windows to the front and side with new double/triple glazed windows including mosquito screens including work necessary for the construction in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with current regulations 
  • The addition of new windows in the two rear openings from the large room on the second floor.
  • The replacement of existing shutters with new ones and installation of shutters on all the other windows to front and side (including change of colour) if approved from the PA
  • The strengthening of the floor of the large second floor room (the living room) and laying a new floor in wood.
  • In collaboration with the structural engineer, improving the solution to strengthen the roof of the living room.
  • All the internal/external renovation (Replastering and decorating of the living room, the opening the new door from the kitchen to the covered seating area, replacing the existing back door with a window, replacement/refurbishment of the existing kitchen on the first floor, the removal of the kitchen “grill” and wall restoration, the layout of a basic kitchen to be placed on the second floor, the refurbishment of the second floor bathroom)
  • The creation of a new first floor bathroom where the study is now – including replacing the existing partition wall (including the removal of the piano while the wall is down ).
  • The conversion of the existing first floor bathroom into a laundry.
  • The enlargement of the ground floor bathroom including digging the floor down as discussed.
  • The realization of a new semi in-ground swimming pool as replacement of the existing one
  • The paving and decking around the pool according to the design specifications
  • The paving the area at the rear of the house according to the design specifications 

Works that will not be carried out immediately but which will be included in the permits (the authorization of which is valid for 5 years for the works relating to the permits relating to the landscape regulation and 3 years for the CILA , SCIA and Preliminary Act of Consent authorizations)

  • Repair/replace the rendering at the rear of the house and full repaint (in compliance with the specifications that will be indicated by the landscaping commission)
  • The removal of the roofing above the external stairs at the rear of the house
  • The renovation of the stone work at the front and side of the house 
  • The replacement of the internal doors 

Works not included in any of the permits but which will still be supervised so that they are carried out in a workmanlike manner. 

  • Creation of an entrance vestibule by the front door. 
  • Rebuilding the more modern portion of the rabbit/hen house.
  • Metal grille to cover the drainage channel at the front of the house
  • The paving and decking around the pool 
  • The paving the area at the rear of the house

Works/fees not included

  • Identifying contactors
  • Managing contactor work
  • Applying for the reclassification of the “attics” as habitable rooms
  • Making a room out of the “hay loft”


regarding the identification of the contractors:  the identification of the companies that will carry out the works cannot be the responsibility of the designers as the current situation of construction workers in Italy does not allow us to safely indicate a company for the execution of the same. Therefore we will be actively involved in the search for personnel and companies suitable for the purpose but without this being able to associate the companies with our professional activity. 

regarding the managing of the contractors works: for the same reasons written above, we cannot and will not be able to have direct control over the times and methods of processing, which represent the exclusive task of the companies themselves. As project manager we will be able to put pressure, even of a legal nature, on the executing companies, in order to respect the project schedule.

And again as project manager we’ll be constantly evaluate the works to be done properly, but without having direct control of the workers of the company itself. For this task there’s one specific figure , provided by the contractor, which is basically constantly in the yard.

Geometra meeting

Met with Gino, Andrea and Stefano (technico) to go through our priorities again. For the heating they recommended a gas boiler with radiators and an LPG (they call it GPL) tank in the garden.